The best Australian leather dressing since 1945

GE-WY leather dressing est in 1945 by the late George Wyatt has the reputation as one of the finest leather preservatives on the market. We only deal in leather preservatives and pride ourselves on the quality of such a great Australian made product. Our product is made with the original recipe used by the Wyatt family for over 70 years.
Wherever your love of leather originates, whether you are from the horse fraternity, the automotive industry, love your lounge, handbags, shoes and jackets, really all things leather, then GE-WY is the product for you. GE-WY will make all your leather goods soft and supple again. GE-WY also has the ability to aid in waterproofing and protection keeping your valuable leather goods in the best possible condition they can be.
GE-WY has also been used on more than one occasion in the restoration of timber products and preserves timber to a finish you would not believe.
We manufacture from start to finish here in Australia and always aim to help support small business and the community who we see as the backbone of our great country.